For Kuper2001_I Card
Download Kuper 2001 : 48 AXIS.(file name: RTMC130x.exe)
Full Inst. All additional support files for full 2k card installation. (file name: UTILARC2.ZIP)
* will work for all Kuper cards. If you already have a running Kuper system, you do not need to download this file.
* Please download on a Windows system, unzip all the files to a floppy, then copy the floppy on the Kuper system.
Release Date
February 9, 2004
Note The name of the file you download will be date coded with a name similar to "04020948.EXE." It contains a compressed version of RTMC130X.EXE. Follow the installation instructions at the bottom of this page. After installation, please run the software and verify that the initial dialog box states "Compiled: February 08, 2004" or some later date.

Please note that we no longer support the 16 axis version of the software for Kuper2001 cards. Please upgrade as soon as possible to this new 48 axis version.

New Features

Included in the packed files is "040209K2.TXT" which has details on several new software features.

DMX-512 is now fully supported.
Axis position data can be sent in ASCII format over any of the Kuper2001 serial ports in real time.
Preston "FI+Z" compatible devices can be controlled directly from Kuper. Some new two-letter commands support generating time code.
Also included is "serhdrs.pdf" which details the pinouts of the 4 serial channels on the Kuper2001 Card